• Termékközpont

    Elektron gáz


    Product classification: Arsenane
    Chemical formula: AsH3
    Molecular weight: 77.94
    CAS login number: 7784-42-1
    Purity: ≥ 99.9999%

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    termék leírás

    Gas Introduction

    Arsenane is a colorless, highly toxic, flammable gas at room temperature and atmospheric pressure, with a garlic odor. It mixes with air to form a combustible mixture. Arsenic is slightly soluble in water and organic solvents, and can easily react with potassium permanganate, bromine, and sodium hypochlorite to form arsenic compounds. Arsenane is stable at room temperature and begins to decompose at 230-240 ℃. Arsenane is a hemolytic toxin that can poison nerves. Usage: Arsenane is used for N-type doping of epitaxial silicon in the semiconductor industry, N-type diffusion in silicon, ion implantation, growth of gallium arsenide (GaAs), gallium arsenide phosphate (GaAsP), and compound semiconductors formed with III/V group elements. Arsenic produced in industry is used for organic synthesis.

    packaging and storage 

    Packaging label: Toxic gas. Sub symbol: Flammable gas. Arsenic is non corrosive, so most commercially available materials are available. However, since arsenic is mainly used in the semiconductor industry, it is recommended to use stainless steel material. Stainless steel pressure reducers should be used in high-purity systems. Due to arsenic being a highly toxic and flammable gas, its use and storage can only be carried out in ventilated gas cylinder cabinets, exhaust cabinets, or rooms with forced ventilation. Due to its ability to form explosive mixtures when mixed with air, it should be kept away from heat and ignition sources. Before use, all pipelines, joints, equipment, etc. should be thoroughly leak tested and grounded, and only fire-resistant tools and explosion-proof equipment should be used. Necessary protection and sealing of steel cylinder valves during transportation. According to CGA regulations, gas cylinders carrying arsenic must undergo a water pressure test every 5 years. It is prohibited to use pressure relief components on arsenic gas cylinders. The material needs to be made of heat-resistant decomposed iron and copper. The design should consider the ability to withstand sufficient high voltage.


    Used for organic synthesis, military toxic gases, and in scientific research or certain special experiments, integrated circuits, solar cells, etc.